Pop-up Playground in Quadra Village

Apr 15, 20222 min read

Ross Terrace CRU*

*Commercial Retail Unit

As we approach one year anniversary of Ross Terrace completion, we're preparing to welcome our latest tenant to the CRU space—Compass Child Care.

Bringing much needed daycare spaces to the neighbourhood, Compass Child Care will provide a safe and inclusive learning environment for children between the ages of 0-5 to play and grow.

Learn More about Compass

Pop-up Playground for Daycare

To support our new tenant in opening its doors, we’ve constructed a temporary pop-up playground in the greenspace next door to 2570 Fifth Street.

This temporary solution is a stepping stone in realizing a larger vision for this underutilized lot, which will be a community park in collaboration with the City of Victoria and School District 61.

Bolstering the Evolution of Quadra Village

1. Ross Terrace

64 Purpose-Built Rental Homes

2. 1025 Kings

56 Purpose-Built Rental Homes

3. Fifth Street Community Park

A collaboration with The City of Victoria and School District 61

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